FIGURES: Kiley Ames, Janice Nowinski, Kyle Staver, Jo Weiss June 16 - August 12, 2018Ìý

Kyle Staver, Rescue

Kyle Staver, Rescue, 2016. Courtesy of the artist.

Four women artists convincingly place human figures in space, each reaching that high-water mark of Western Art in their own way. Kiley Ames has a seemingly rational, systematic technique akin to pointillism that on closer inspection emits an emotional charge. Jo Weiss’s expressionist, emotional process ultimately reveals an analytical, orderly understanding of figures in space. Janice Nowinski’s paintings are brushy, mysterious, and unexpected portrayals of men in ambiguous situations. Kyle Staver’s technique is smooth and sophisticated, serving up darkly humorous tales of violence and sensuality. These artists create narratives that open our world to reflection and engagement in a way that abstraction cannot manage.

Summer Opening Reception
June 16, 6-9PM

Gallery Talk
July 28, 3-4PM