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City Teaching Alliance Launches New Academic Partnership with American University

Aspiring educators will begin equity-focused coursework in 2022

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City Teaching Alliance, an innovative,nationallyrecognized teacher development andcertificationprogram,is pleased to announcethat it has expanded itsrelationshipwith American University’s School of Education. Asacademic and strategic partners, American University and City Teaching Alliance (formerly known as Urban Teachers) willfacilitatea curriculumthatdeliversstate-of-the-art teacher preparation—instillingknowledge andcoaching aspiring teachersto transform communities through rigorous, engaging, and culturally respectful education.The 2022 cohort will be the first to matriculate under the newpartnership and receive aMaster of Arts in Teaching,conferred byAmerican University.

A shared commitment to preparing teachers through an equity-based, anti-racist pedagogy is a cornerstone of this new partnership.

“A partnership with American University School of Education is a natural fit for us,” said Peter Shulman, City Teaching Alliance CEO. “The School of Education’s commitment to rigorous scholarship, equitable and inclusive learning environments, and advancing social justice, align directly to the City Teaching Alliance vision that all children are taught by committed, well-prepared, culturally competent teachers.”

City Teaching Alliance was founded in 2009 by educators who observed that far too many teachers arrive in urban classrooms unprepared to create sustainable careers and substantial impact on their school community.

The new partnership will not only provide a grounding in high-quality instruction, but also focus on teaching with an understanding of and appreciation for a child’s community and culture. Professors selected for their student-centered approach to learning and experience in urban public education will deliver graduate courses including “Race, Culture, and Equity in Urban Education” and “Trauma Informed Teaching Practices.”

“Children come to school with a variety of lived experiences. Nevertheless, every student, regardless of cultural, racial, economic, and linguistic background, deserves access to qualified, well-prepared teachers,” said Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, Dean of American University’s School of Education. “We are excited to partner with City Teaching Alliance to further meet our vision of preparing a new generation of diverse teachers and improving the academic and life outcomes of all students.”

Participants in therigorous four-year City Teaching Alliance programare preparedto become careerteacherswho accelerate student achievement and disrupt systems ofracial and socioeconomic inequityinurban school systems.

“Developing and supporting the next generation of teachers is fundamental to the future success of students and communities,” said Sylvia M. Burwell, American University President. “By educating teachers with cultural competence, compassion, and mentoring, we are preparing these changemakers to create dynamic and equitable learning opportunities. American University is proud to join City Teaching Alliance in this endeavor to offer our student-teachers the highest quality training.”

City Teaching Alliance and American University’s School of Education are thrilled to combine their expertise togive thestrongest start possible to aspiring career teachers who seek to effect change and make a positive impact in the lives of publicly educated students across the United States.