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Photograph of Claudia Hofmann

Claudia Hofmann Hurst Senior Professorial Lecturer Foreign Policy & Global Security

Claudia Hofmann
(202) 885-6728 (Office)
SIS | Foreign Policy & Global Security
School of International Service 207
Additional Positions at AU
Executive Director, Online and Executive Programs
Ph.D., Political Science, University of Cologne, Germany; M.A., International Conflict Analysis, Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent, Belgium; B.A.(hons), Politics & Government and History, University of Kent, UK

Dr Claudia Hofmann is the Executive Director of Online and Executive Programs. In this role, Dr Hofmann oversees and manages the strategy and implementation of SIS online and executive degrees, and contributes to the strategic planning and curriculum development for executive non-credit short courses and training.

Dr Hofmann’s research addresses the role of non-state actors in world politics, with a particular emphasis on rebels, insurgents, and organized criminal groups as a challenge to foreign and security policy. Dr Hofmann has a rich background in academic teaching and policy-oriented in-depth research on both sides of the Atlantic. Her work has resulted in a number of peer-reviewed academic publications, international policy papers, presentations, and policy consultations.
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Spring 2024

  • SIS-793 Practicum in Int'l Affairs: For Pol Making/Defense/Intel

Fall 2024

  • SIS-686 Proseminar in Int'l Affairs

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Research Interests

  • non-traditional security threats;
  • community resilience;
  • transnational organized crime;
  • violent conflicts.

Professional Presentations

  • “Considerations for an Engagement with Armed Groups” (online), Specialized Training on Gender in Humanitarian Action (ATHA) / Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2012
  • “Breaking the Deadlock in the Middle East Peace Process” (organizer), Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, USA, 2012
  • "Engaging Armed Groups. Options and Strategies” (online), Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2012
  • “Conflict Prevention on Both Sides of the Atlantic”, Subcommittee on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Integrated Conflict Management in the German Bundestag, German Embassy, Washington, DC, USA, 2011
  • “Opportunities and Limits of Engaging Non-State Armed Groups“, FCO-LSE Workshop, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, UK, 2010

Selected Publications

  • (2020) , in: RESOLVE Network, 12 June 2020.
  • with Carolin Goerzig, , in: Negotiation Journal 32 (2): 151-163, 2016.
  • (2016) with Carolin Goerzig, , in: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers, No. 177.
  • “Engaging Armed Actors in Conflict Mediation. Consolidating Government and Non-government Approaches”, in: , pp. 23-37, London: Chatham House, 2016.
  • with Carolin Goerzig, “The Dark Side of Recognition. Mutual Exclusiveness of Passive and Active Recognition in the Middle East Conflict”, in: Christopher Daase, Caroline Fehl, Anna Geis, and Georgios Kolliarakis (eds.), , Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • “NGOs as norm dealers: Norm-Diffusion in Conflict Management using the example of the ICRC”, in: Felix Dane (ed.), , Rio de Janeiro: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2015.
  • with Virginia Comolli, , Report 6, Modernising Drug Law Enforcement, London: International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) / Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House / International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), 2013.
  • , SWP Research Paper, Berlin: German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), 2012.
  • , USIP Peace Brief 91, Washington: United States Institute of Peace, 2011.
  • , (with Jörn Grävingholt and Stephan Klingebiel),ĚýBonn: German Development Institute (DIE) (Studies 29), 2007.
  • , Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2007.
  • “,” in International Peacekeeping 13 (3): 396-409, 2006.
