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Malini Ranganathan Associate Professor Environment, Development & Health

Malini Ranganathan
SIS | Environment, Development & Health
School of International Service 301
Additional Positions at AU
Faculty Affiliate, Antiracist Research and Policy Center
PhD, University of California, Berkeley


Malini Ranganathan is Associate Professor in the School of International Service at American University, and a political ecologist and geographer by training. She is a faculty affiliate of three university centers, and is also a fellow at the progressive climate policy think tank, the . Most broadly, she is a scholar of environmental justice, who studies the political economy of land, labor, and ecology in the context of capitalist development. She works primarily on the cities of Bangalore and Washington, D.C., focusing on what she terms "environmental unfreedoms." Specifically, she studies how colonial, caste, and racial histories shape housing and land rights, labor politics, and climate and water inequities. She is currently working on two books. The first, The Urbanization of Caste Power: Land, Labor, and Environmental Politics in Bengaluru, is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. It re-examines the city of Bengaluru through the analytic of caste power, tracing the historical and contemporary production of land dispossession, labor exploitation, and . Through activist narratives and translations of a Kannada-language slum magazine, it also discusses the forms of slum, legal, and union resistance that have challenged these. The second is The Climate of Labor Justice: Planetary Ecologies of Racial Capitalism, Caste, and Freedom. Training our attention on southern India and the Indian Ocean World and migratory connections between the two regions, the book argues that we rethink the climate crisis as inseparable from a labor crisis stretching from the colonial to contemporary era. It draws on Asian diasporic labor history to show that idioms of freedom, dignity, and self-respect can shape a left, internationalist pro-labor climate justice movement. She is co-author of (Cornell Press, 2023, Yoda Press 2024). The book weaves together ethnographic and literary analysis to argue, against the grain, that "corruption talk" serves as a means for various publics to narrate unequal and rapid urban development. It is deployed beyond narrow legal definitions to condemn land grabs, , and housing evictions perpetrated by elites, even as it is used opportunistically to deflect blame onto marginalized others. She is also co-editor of . Finally, Dr. Ranganathan investigates environmental unfreedoms and in American cities. Her work on abolitionist climate justice in Washington, D.C. was featured on . She is part of two AU research teams: one that was awarded a National Science Foundation grant for RECIPES, a project that promotes sustainable food systems, and a second investigating For an overview of her transnational approach to research and teaching, stream this . In 2023, Dr Ranganathan was recognized with the Harold M. Rose Award for Antiracism Research and Practice from the American Association of Geographers. In 2020 and 2021 she won the SIS and university-wide awards respectively for Outstanding Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In 2022 she won the AU Morton-Bender Prize for achievements at the associate professor level. She won an American Council of Learned Societies-Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in 2017-2019. Please visit her to learn more about her research.

Her research is in EP:D (Society and Space), Environmental Justice, Ethnic and Racial Studies, The Lancet - Global Health, The Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Progress in Human Geography, Environment and Planning: A (Economy and Society), Capitalism Nature Socialism, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban Geography, and Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, among other journals. Her scholarship also appears in public venues such as e-Flux Architecture, Society and Space, and Black Perspectives. She serves on the editorial boards of Antipode, The Annals of the American Association of Geographers, and Environment and Planning: D (Society and Space). Previously, Dr Ranganathan was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Geography at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and has had research positions at TERI in New Delhi, ENDA-Tiers Monde in Dakar, and the Asian Development Bank in Manila. At SIS, Dr Ranganathan teaches SISU 250 (Environmental Sustainability and Global Health), SISU 349 (Global Cities, Justice, and the Environment), and SIS 620 (Environmental Justice).

See Also
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Spring 2024

  • HNRS-398 Honors Challenge Course

  • SIS-620 Stds in Global Envirn Politics: Environmental Justice

  • SIS-899 Doctoral Dissertation

  • SISU-250 Env Sustainblty/Global Health

Partnerships & Affiliations

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications


  • In-progress. The Climate of Labor Justice: Planetary Ecologies of Racial Capitalism, Caste, and Freedom.
  • Forthcoming. The Urbanization of Caste Power: Land, Labor, and Environmental Politics in Bangalore. Cambridge University Press (with KJ Siddharth and IA Selva).
  • 2023. . Cornell University Press and Yoda Press, India (with D Pike and S Doshi).
  • 2022. . Routledge (with JF °ä³óá¾±°ù±ð³ú-³Ò²¹°ù³ú²¹, MD Gergan, and P Vasudevan (Eds)).

Selected Journal Publications

  • 2024 "Geopolitical Ecologies for Our Times." Political Geography 112 (with G Graddy-Lovelace).
  • 2023. "."International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 47 (4): 667-687 (with N Rahman and others).
  • 2022. "," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 46 (4): 721-724
  • 2022. "," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 40 (2): 197-207 (with A Bonds).
  • 2022. "", Journal of Urban Technology 29 (1): 135-143.
  • 2022. "", Ethnic and Racial Studies 45 (2): 193-215 (with JF °ä³óá¾±°ù±ð³ú-³Ò²¹°ù³ú²¹, MD Gergan, and P Vasudevan).
  • 2022. "," Ethnic and Racial Studies 45 (2): 257-277.
  • 2022. "", Environmental Justice 15 (1): 1-11 (with I Anguelovski, A Brand, and D Hyra).
  • 2021. "The Racial Inequalities of Green Gentrification in Washington, DC" (with I Anguelovski and D Hyra) in I Anguelovski and J Connolly (eds) . New York: Routledge.
  • 2021. "", The Lancet - Global Health (with E Yam, M Silva, J White, T Hope, C Ford).
  • 2021.Ìý "" (with E Bratman). Antipode 53 (1): 115-137.
  • 2020. "", Urban Geography 41 (4): 492-496.
  • 2019. "" (with S Doshi). Progress in Human Geography 43 (3) 436-457.
  • 2018. "". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Spotlight Series on Parched Cities.
  • 2018. "". Environment and Planning: A (Economy and Space) 50 (7): 1386–1406. See media coverage ""
  • 2017. ". Social Science Research Council Items, reprinted in , African American Intellectual History Society blog.
  • 2017. " (with S Doshi). Society and Space, the blog for the journal Environment and Planning: D.
  • 2017. "" (with S Doshi). Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107 (1): 183-199.
  • 2016. "". Capitalism Nature Socialism 27 (3): 17-33.

Professional Presentations

INVITED KEYNOTES (only recent)

  • 2024. "The Long Climate Crisis: Global Political Ecologies of Caste, Race, and Migration." Invited to give the 2024 Institute for Behavioral Studies colloquium at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
  • 2022. "Political Ecologies of Caste and Racial Capitalism: Remapping a Planetary Humanism." Invited to give the 2022 Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference Keynote.
  • 2021. "Abolition and Climate Justice in Transnational Perspective." Invited to the "" panel, part of the Global Black Lives Matter Series at the University of California, Los Angeles.
  • 2019. "". Invited to give the keynote lecture at the "Urban Climates: Power, Development, and Environment in South Asia" conference, Dartmouth College.
  • 2019. "The Environment as Freedom: Racial Capitalism and Environmental Justice". Invited to speak at the Mellon Research Initiative in Racial Capitalism at the University of California, Davis.
  • 2019. "The Environment as Freedom: Decolonizing Urban Property, Reimagining Justice". Invited to give the annual honorary John Treacy Memorial Lecture (voted on as a "renowned pre-tenure scholar" by Geography graduate students) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


  • 2024. "Money, Muscle, and Moral Power: Middle Agrarian Castes and Land Grabs in Bengaluru," Conference on "Caste, Capitalism, and the City". Princeton University.
  • 2024. "Caste, Racial Capitalism, and Anticolonial Labor Politics in the Indian Ocean World,"Workshop on "Caste, Race, and Indigeneity in/beyond South Asia: Dismantling the Master’s House". University of Cincinnati.
  • 2020. "," organized by King's College London
  • 2020. "", organized by Suraj Yengde for Dialogics


Professional Services

Grants and Sponsored Research

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

  • 2023. American Association of Geographers Harold M. Rose Award for Antiracism Research and Practice
  • 2022. American University Morton-Bender Prize, recognizing "professional achievement since attainment of the rank of associate professor and to facilitate the faculty member's progress towards the rank of full professor"
  • 2021. American University Faculty Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • 2020. SIS Outstanding Contributions to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  Award
  • 2018. SIS Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award (co-recipient)
  • 2011-2013. Post-Doctoral Fellow, Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy (SDEP), Department of Geography and Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • 2009-2010. Chancellor’s Dissertation-Year Fellowship in the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of California, Berkeley
  • 2007-2008. John L. Simpson Memorial Research Fellowship in International and Comparative Studies, University of California, Berkeley

Research Interests

Urban activism around housing, land, and labor rights; Global climate justice; Transnational movements against casteism and racism; Third World Internationalism; Environmental justice and political ecology in India and the U.S., Black Marxism, Decolonial and postcolonial theory and epistemology, Critical Race Theory, Feminist theory.

AU Experts

Area of Expertise

Environmental racism in the U.S., antiracism, climate justice, environmental justice, segregation, environmental politics in India

Additional Information

Malini Ranganathan is an urban geographer and political ecologist whose research focuses on environmental justice, land and real estate politics, and climate change vulnerability in India and the U.S. She is a co-author of the book Corruption Plots: Stories, Ethics, and Publics of the Late Capitalist City published by Cornell University Press and co-editor of Rethinking Difference in in India through Racialization published by Routledge Press. She has also authored several academic journal articles and is currently working on two book manuscripts related to caste, race, and urban environmental and social justice. Her work appears in media and scholarly outlets such as the Washington Post, WAMU, Vox, Black Perspectives, and Society and Space. She is the winner of the 2023 American Association of Geographers Harold M. Rose Award for Antiracist Research and Practice and the 2022 American University Morton-Bender Prize for outstanding achievement at the associate professor level.

For the Media

To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.

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