SJD Program


Dr. Eduardo Lycurgo Leite
SJD Program Graduate


Dr. Eduardo Leite succesfully completed his S.J.D. degree at American University Washington College of Law. The title of his dissertation was: “The Fair Use Doctrine as a Limitation to Copyrights and the Three-Step Test in a Comparative Perspective of the Brazilian and American Copyright Systems.” Mr. Leite’s fields of study and professional expertise include: Intellectual Property, Copyright Law, and International Law. His professional experience includes: Advocacia Lycurgo Leite (Partner); Professor of Law of the Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (2003 – present); Professor of Copyright Law of the Centro Universitário de Brasília, College of Juridical and Social Sciences, (1998 – 2005); Adjunct Professor of Copyright Law of the University of Brasília (2004 - 2005); UniCEUB´s College of Juridical and Social Sciences Board (Member); Professor of Consumer Law in the MBA Program of the Associação do Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal (AEUDF)/Instituto de Cooperação Técnica (ICAT) (2000-2001); and Professor of International Trade at Catholic University School of International Affairs (1999). Mr. Leite is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Degrees & Universities

S.J.D., American University Washington College of Law, 2014
LL.M., American University Washington College of Law, 1997
LL.B., UniCEUB, Brazil, 1995


  1. Plágio e Outros Estudos em Direito de Autor (“Plagiarism and other Copyright Issues”) (Lumen Juris, 2009)
  2. Direito de Autor(“Copyright Law”) (Brasília Jurídica, 2004).
  3. Autoralien: Selfies e o Direito Autoral (“Authoralien: selfies and Copyright Law”) in O Direito nos Tribunais Superiores com ênfase no Novo Direito Processual Civil – Homenagem ao Ministro Sérgio Luiz Kukina (“Law before the Superior Courts: a tribute to Justice Sérgio Luiz Kukina) (Bonijuris, 2015).
  4. Punkirataria (“Punkľ±°ů˛ął¦˛â”), in Estudos de Combate Ă  Pirataria em Homenagem ao Desembargador Luiz Fernando Gama Pellegrini (“Studies on Piracy: a tribute to Court of Appeals Judge Luiz Fernando Gama Pellegrini”) (Letras JurĂ­dicas, 2011).
  5. A Apropriação Indevida de Expressões de Uso Necessário e Comum como Marca e o Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual: do Açaí à Unha de Gato (“The apropriation and use of common and general expressions as trademarks and the International Intelectual Property regime: from Açaí to the Cat’s claw”), in Propriedade Intelectual: Estudos em Homenagem ao Ministro Carlos Fernando Mathias de Souza (“Intellectual Property: a tribute do Justice Carlos Fernando Mathias de Souza”) (Letras Jurídicas, 2010).
  6. A Licença Compulsória sobre os Direitos de Tradução de Obras Literárias (“The Copyright Compulsory License on Translation Rights of Literary Works”), in Propriedade Intelectual em Perspectiva (“Intellectual Property in Perspective”) (Lumen Juris, 2008).
  7. A Proposta Norte-Americana para as "Obras Órfãs" e as Regras Autorais Internacionais("The US Proposal for Orphan Works and the International Copyright Law"), in Estudos de Direitos Autorais em Homenagem a Otávio Afonso (Studies in Copyright Law in Tribute to Otávio Afonso) (Revista dos Tribunais, 2007).
  8. Assombrando o Direito Autoral: Uma perspectiva comparada da relação entre as obras psicografadas e o direito de autor(“Haunting Copyright: a comparative overview of copyright on psychic works”), in Direito da Propriedade Intelectual – Estudos em Homenagem ao Pe. Bruno Jorge Hammes (Intellectual Property Law: Studies in Memory of Bruno Jorge Hammes) (Juruá, 2005).
  9. Do outro lado da grande muralha autoral: o uso justo no direito de autor chinês(“On the Other Side of Copyright´s Great Wall: the fair dealing doctrine in Chinese copyright law”) in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year II, Number V, (to be published) August 2006 (Lumen Juris, 2007).
  10. A Doutrina do “Fair Use” delineada no Direito Autoral Norte-Americano: uma ferramenta para o ponto de equilíbrio entre a rigidez autoral e o interesse público relevante(“The US Fair Use Doctrine: a tool for the balance between the author’s rights and the public interest), in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year II, Number IV, February 2006 (Lumen Juris, 2006).
  11. Um Breve Ensaio sobre Plágio(“A short essay on plagiarism”), in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year I, Number III, August 2005 (Lumen Juris, 2005).
  12. A História do Direito de Autor no Ocidente e os Tipos Móveis de Gutenberg(Copyright Law History in the West and Gutenberg’s Movable Type), in Revista de Direito Autoral, Year I, Number II, February 2005 107-153 (Lumen Juris, 2005).
  13. Concorrência Desleal e Propriedade Intelectual(“Unfair Competition and Intellectual Property”), – UniCEUB’s Law Review – Universitas Jus - College of Juridical and Social Sciences, number 09, July/December 2002, 9-39.
  14. O Regime de Registro no Brasil(“Copyright Formalities in Brazil: Registration”), – UniCEUB’s Law Review – Universitas Jus College of Juridical and Social Sciences, number 08, January/June 2002, 75-98.
  15. Direitos Autorais nas Mídias Digitais(“Copyright and Digital Media”), Brazilian Intellectual Property Association´s Law Review, November/December 2000, Vol. 49, 03-21.
  16. A Prescrição para Interposição de Ação Civil por Violação ao Direito Autoral na Nova Lei de Direitos Autorais(“The Statute of Limitations regarding Copyright Infringement Actions on the New Copyright Law”) – UniCEUB’s Law Review – Universitas Jus - College of Juridical and Social Sciences, number 05, January/June 2000, 47-76.
  17. O BNDES e os Investimentos Estrangeiros no Brasil(The BNDES and the Foreign Investments in Brazil - La BNDES et Les Investissements Étrangers Au Brésil), work registered before the Brazilian National Library – Copyright Office, under number 264.061, Book.473, page 221.
  18. O Instituto das Patentes e das Marcas no Direito Pátrio e no Direito Comparado(Patents and Trademarks in Brazilian and Comparative Laws), work registered before the Brazilian National Library– Copyright Office, under number 264.063, Book.473, page 223.
  19. Arbitragem Comercial Internacional: um estudo comparado (International Commercial Arbitration: a comparative study), work registered before the Brazilian National Library – Copyright Office, under number 264.059, Book.473, page 219.

Academic and Professional Affiliations

Advocacia Lycurgo Leite; IDP; Brazilian Intellectual Property Institute; Washington International Trade Association; The Copyright Society of the USA; ABCI Institute; Brazilian Copyright Law Association (ABDA); Brazilian Industrial Property Agent's Association (ABAPI); Inter-American Bar Association; Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI); and International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Association International pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle - AIPPI).

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