SJD Program

Dr. Jean Yaovi Degli
SJD Program Graduate

Dr. Jean Degli successfully earned his S.J.D. from American University Washington College of Law in 2010. His dissertation was entitled “The Challenges facing the international Criminal Justice System Regarding Fair Trial Standards: The Example of the ICTR.” Dr. Degli’s professional experience includes: serving as the General Secretary of the International Criminal Bar established before the International Criminal Court; Member of the Executive Board of the International Criminal Defense Attorney's Association in Montreal, Canada; Defense Attorney before International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); Chargé de mission and Deputy Secretary General of International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH); President of Togolese League of Human Rights (LTDH); Secretary of State in Charge of Relationship with the Parliament and Spokesman of the Transitional Government of Togo; Attorney at Law of the Togo Bar Association; and a Member of the Paris Bar Association (self employed attorney).

Degrees & Universities

S.J.D., American University Washington College of Law
LL.M., American University Washington College of Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Law with distinction, University of Paris Nanterre
Diploma of Excellence of the Certificate to practice as an Advocate, University of Bénin, Lomé, Togo
Master's Degree in Legal Sciences with distinction, University of Benin, Lomé, Togo
Bachelor's Degree in Legal Sciences with distinction, University of Benin, Lomé, Togo
Bachelor's of Arts Degree with distinction, University of Benin, Lomé, Togo, Certificate in Psycho Pedagogy
Baccalaureate in Economy, University of Benin, Lomé-Togo

Academic Honors and Achievements

Highest Degree Designation in International Finance Law and Development Finance
Outstanding Research and Writing Award


  1. Jean Yaovi Degli, Togo: A Quand L'alternance Politique?, Harmattan ed., Paris 2007.
  2. Jean Yaovi Degli, Togo: La Tragédie Africaine, Nouvelles du Sud ed., Paris 1996.
  3. Post Graduate Essay entitled “Le Caractre Collectif de la Procédure de Redressement Judiciaire”, 1998.
  4. Master's Dissertation Essay entitled “L'incidence de la Pénurie des Magistrats sur L'administration de la Justice au Togo”, 1998.
  5. Various reports on the human rights situation in Togo, July 1992 - Febuary 1998.