Anti-Corruption Law Program

Message from Director Jonathan Rusch

Nancy Boswell
Jonathan Rusch, Director

Throughout the world, countries are beset by reports of corruption, violations of well-established ethical norms, and the weakening of accountability mechanisms.  The pervasiveness and corrosive effects of corruption makes it essential for legal professionals to develop a sound basis of knowledge and expertise.

This program offers practical training on U.S., foreign, and international bribery laws and compliance practices;  cutting-edge corruption risk identification and mitigation tools for public contracting; and key elements of the U.S. anti-corruption legal, institutional and political framework.

In each of the Program’s courses, leading practitioners share their first-hand experience and knowledge with geographically and professionally diverse professionals in small classroom settings,  fostering deeper understanding and lasting connections for the future.

We look forward to hearing from you. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the program, please feel free to contact

Jonathan Rusch