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Policy Brief Series

The Transatlantic Policy Center鈥檚 new policy brief series aims to engage scholars, students, and policymakers in the US, Europe, and around the world through high-quality, thought-provoking research.

Our policy briefs explore a range of critical issues that inform and shape transatlantic relations. From security and defense to trade, technology, social policy, these briefs offer expert analysis, insight, and policy recommendations and provide new perspectives on US-European relations.

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If you're interested in submitting a policy brief please review our submission guidelines for more information.


EU flag superimposed on a map of Europe

International 路

The EU as a Security Force Assistance Provider: An Emerging, Contemporary Role for the Union?

What the post-Lisbon changes to the EU's security and defence policy mean for regional and global stability.
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Arctic ice reflecting in the sea against a cloudy sky

International 路

A Transatlantic Perspective on Arctic Security

How can Europe and North America address common security concerns in the Arctic while trying to overcome distinct challenges in the High North?
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Fence crossing a desert

International 路

Building a Shared Approach to a Global Challenge: Outlining a Transatlantic Agenda for Migration

How can the EU and US develop humanitarian-based migration policies?
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Flags of different European Union member states against a blue background.

International 路

Geopolitical Change and EU Enlargement: Learning from the Past

What lessons can the EU learn from past enlargement and accession policies?
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Sign with arrows point in different directions against a sunset

International 路

Countering Antisemitism in the EU and US: Strategies, Cooperation and Policy Transference

Countering the rise in antisemitism in the EU and US and the threat that it poses to democracy and public safety requires a robust, coordinated policy response.
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A row of European Union Flags

International 路

Transatlantic Coordination on Russian Sanctions

The ongoing war in Ukraine has elicited a vigorous transatlantic response, with the United States, the European Union, and other Western partners joining forces to impose comprehensive sanctions on Russia.
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