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Faculty Efforts

Browse below for a sample of SPA faculty work related to inclusive excellence.

Relevant Articles

Addington, L.A. (forthcoming, 2021). Keeping Black Girls in School: A Systematic Review of Opportunities to Address Exclusionary Discipline Disparity. Race and Justice. Available February 3, 2021 .

Grier, S., Poole, S.M., Thomas, K., Sobande, F., Ekpo, A., Torres, L.T., Addington, L.A., Henderson, G.R. & Weeks-Laidlow, M. (forthcoming). Operationalizing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the Marketplace. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Available December 14, 2020 .

Addington, L.A. (2020). Police Response to Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence in the Marriage Equality Era. Criminal Justice Journal, 33, 213-230.

Addington, L.A. (2019). Black Girls Doing Time for White Boys’ Crime?: Considering Columbine’s Security Legacy Through an Intersectional Lens. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35, 296-314.

Addington, L.A. (2017). What is the effect of being bullied?: Comparing direct harms of bullying experienced by LGB and non-LGB students. Journal of Family Strengths, 17(2), 1-18. Available .

Invited Blog Posts

Addington, L.A. (August 20, 2019). Bisexual Women and Intimate Partner Violence. Invited article post. Gender Policy Report. Available .

In addition, I teach Cities and Crime and Juvenile Delinquency -- both of which cover issues of race/ethnicity -- and I teach Victimology which covers various identity issues.

In JLC 103 (Critical Issues in Justice), race is discussed, along with its impact on the justice system throughout the entire course. Some examples of what he does is beginning the class with a discussion of racism. He has guest speakers including the following:

- Lance Hamilton - He was All American for Penn State and went to Yale Law School. He sued the NFL for racial discrimination and his case lead to the hiring of African American coaches in the NFL. He also turned down a Rhodes Scholarship based on the Rhodes family connection to diamond mining in South Africa.

- Kadiatou Diallo - Her son Amadou was shot 41 times by the New York City Police Department (NYPD). His case is subject of the movie, “41 Shots.”

- Graham Weatherspoon, retired NYPD detective. He founded 100 African American Cops Who Care

- Marcus Timmons, who was in prison for 10 years. He discusses racial issues associated with prison

Teaching: Race & Justice JLC638, Critical Issues in Justice JLC109 and a special summer seminar on Critical Race Theory in the Workplace

Research: My general interests/specialty is Race, including Race theory. My current research focuses on Colorism and Race in Corrections

Talks: Gave a research talk for University of Central Florida during Spring 2021 term on colorism

Research: Peer-Reviewed Monographs

Democracia, derechos humanos y derechos indigenas en municipios de usos y costumbres (“Democracy, human rights and indigenous rights in customary law communities” in Spanish, with Moisés Jaime Bailón Corres, and Carlos Sorroza). 2016. Oaxaca, Mexico: Instituto Estatal Electoral y de Participacion Ciudadana de Oaxaca.

Research: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

“Environmentalism in a Climate-Vulnerable State: Rainforests, Oil, and Political Attitudes along Ecuador’s Extractive Frontier,” (with Karleen West), in Journal of Comparative Politics 49:1 (January 2017): 231-251.

Research: Work Forthcoming, In Preparation, and Under Review

Democratization, Social Movements, and Constitutionalism

“Consensual Constitution-Writing Over Consensus Institutions: The Power of Inclusion through Group Rights in Mitigating Conflict,” (with Tofigh Maboudi and Ifeoluwa Olawole), under review, spring 2021.

Environmental Politics and Climate Change

Climate Change, Science, and the Politics of Shared Sacrifice, with Stephen MacAvoy, textbook contracted with Oxford University Press in October 2018, forthcoming in 2021 (reviewed in 2019 and 2020, with final manuscript submission June 2020 and publication, delayed by COVID, in June 2021). Textbook includes extensive discussion of climate justice and a case study for students on the inequality exacerbated by climate events like Hurricane Katrina (20-page case study after Chapter 9 in book).

“Measuring International Funding for Climate Change Adaptation in Economic Development Programs,” (with Ifeoluwa Olawole and Michael Toman), under review, Spring 2021.

“The Short-Term Planning Bias in Adaptation: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Bangladesh,” (with Tawfique Haque, Michael Toman, and Matthew Wright), under review, spring 2021.

“The Adaptation Paradox and Ambiguity over Where the Climate Vulnerable Can Access Accountability,” with Tawfique Haque, Michael Toman and Matthew Wright, going under review, spring 2021.

Peer-Reviewed Monograph

Committee on Understanding the Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Populations. 2020. . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Doi: 10.17226/25877.

Journal Articles

(*denotes graduate student co-author; †denotes undergraduate student co-author)

Strode, Dakota* and Andrew R. Flores. Forthcoming. “Voter Registration Rates and Traits by Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in the United States” Public Opinion Quarterly.

Flores, Andrew R. and Maisy R. Morrison.† 2021. “Potential Differences between the Political Attitudes of People with Same-Sex Parents and People with Different- Sex Parents: An Exploratory Assessment of First-Year College Students.” PLoS One 16(2): e0246929.

Flores, Andrew R., Ilan H. Meyer, Lynn Langton, and Jody L. Herman. 2021. “.” American Journal of Public Health 111(4): 726–729.

Flores, Andrew R., Christy Mallory, and Kerith J. Conron. 2020. “ .” Research & Politics. doi: 10.1177/2053168020966874.

Flores, Andrew R., Lynn Langton, Ilan H. Meyer, and Adam P. Romero. 2020. “ .” Science Advances 6: eaba6910.

Haider-Markel, Donald P., Patrick Gauding, Andrew R. Flores, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, Barry Tadlock, and Jami K. Taylor. 2020. “.” PS: Political Science & Politics 53(3):453-459.

Miller, Patrick R., Andrew R. Flores, Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Barry L. Tadlock, and Jami K. Taylor. 2020. “ .” American Politics Research 48(5): 622-634.

Flores, Andrew R., Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, Barry L. Tadlock, and Jami K. Taylor. 2020. “ .” Sex Roles 83(5): 382-398.

Book Chapters & Reviews

Flores, Andrew R. Forthcoming. “Public Opinion about Trans People and Trans Rights.” In SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, Abbie Goldberg (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Flores, Andrew R. 2020. “Attitudes Toward LGBT Rights: Political Tolerance and Egalitarianism in the United States.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy, Donald P. Haider-Markel (ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1237.

Flores, Andrew R. and Justin O’Neill. 2020. “Transgender-Specific Policy: Gender Identity Inclusion in Public Accommodations.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy, Donald P. Haider-Markel (ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1223.

Policy-Related Publications & Editorial Contributions

Sears, Brad, Kerith Conron, and Andrew R. Flores. 2021. The Impact of the Fall 2020 COVID-19 Surge on LGBT Adults in the US. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute. Access online.

Flores, Andrew R., Gabriele Magni, and Andrew Reynolds. 2020. “Had LGBT voters stayed home, Trump might have won the presidential election.” The Washington Post, Dec. 1. Access online.

Flores, Andrew R., Gabriele Magni, Andrew Reynolds, and Charles W. Gossett. 2020. “11 openly LGBTQ lawmakers will take their seats in the next Congress. That’s a record in both numbers and diversity.” The Washington Post, Nov. 30. Access online.

Flores, Andrew R., Christy Mallory, and Kerith J. Conron. 2020. The Impact of Obergefell v. Hodges on the Well-Being of LGBT Adults. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute.

Research In Progress

Article-length projects

“Recalling Discrimination and Frame Receptivity on Transgender Rights: Results from a National Survey Experiment” with Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. Under review.

“Including Gender Identity as a Protected Class in Public Accommodations Ordinances Does Not Increase Victimization Rates: A Statewide and Countywide Assessment” with Jody L. Herman. Under review.

“Familia es Familia: Spanish Radio Ads, the Latina/o Gender Gap, and Support for Marriage Equality.”

“Voting while Transgender: Problems and Intimidation at the Ballot Box” with Tenaya Storm.

“Public Support for Transgender Rights in Twenty-three Countries: The Effect of Policy, LGBT Representatives, and Advocacy Infrastructure.” To be published in an edited volume by Helma de Vries-Jordan.

“Sex, Gender, and Transgender: The Moderating Effect of Gender Identity” with Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. To be published in an edited volume by Helma de Vries-Jordan.

“Sexual Victimization of Incarcerated Sexual Minorities: Details from the 2011-2012 National Inmate Survey” with Ilan H. Meyer and Lara Stemple.

“Descriptive Representation and Debating Minority Rights: The Case of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Elected Officials” with Charles W. Gossett and Myeisha Williams.

“Controversy and Consciousness: Examining the Conditions and Mechanisms that Elevate LGBT Collective Consciousness” with Kenneth Sherrill.

“Assessing the Multiple Risk Levels of Suicide among Transgender People: Results from the United States Trasnsgender Survey” with Jody L. Herman and Ann Hass.

“Structural Stigma and the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Patients” with Mark L. Hatzenbuehler, Sean Cahill, and David Hubbard.

Book-length project

LGBT Group Consciousness and Political Distinctiveness, with Kenneth Sherrill.

Invited Talks

“An Overview of Adult Peer Victimization and Its Impact on Sexual and Gender Minority Populations.” 2021. Presented at the Scientific Workshop on Violence and Related Health Outcomes in Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Communities, Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office, National Institutes of Health.

“LGBT Criminal Victimization: The National Crime Victimization Survey.” 2021. Presented at the Atkinson Law & Policy Colloquium, University of Arkansas School of Law.

“The Criminal Victimization of LGBT People in the United States.” 2020. Presented at the Queer Politics Workshop sponsored by Princeton University.


Robert W. Bailey Award for Best Paper on LGBTQ Politics Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, LGBTQ Caucus of the American Political Science Association, 2021.

Website Projects

About the Project:
The Julian Bond Oral History Project, sponsored by the School of Public Affairs at American University,documents the professional rise of Julian Bond from his early years in the Atlanta student movement, his work as a founding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and his rise to national prominence.


The above website represents the work I have published to date on my oral history project on the Southern civil rights movement and the legacy of Julian Bond's contribution to it. To date, I have published approximately 30 interviews I conducted between September 2018 and February 2020. The pandemic has put a halt to the project. In addition to the video interviews, I have published corresponding transcripts with footnotes and cross-indexes to other scholarly resources.

The site also features a section called Student Voices, which includes interviews with AU campus leaders, ranging from members of Fossil Free AU, multiple student journalism publications (The Eagle, The Rival and Blackprint), the NAACP campus chapter. I trained students to conduct the interviews and publish their work in a professional format. I also arranged for students to accompany me to interviews with the individuals I documented, which gave them the opportunity to meet some of the most important people from the Southern civil rights movement.

Hidden Civil Rights History ()

Julian Bond Oral History Project ()


This page is dedicated to the life and work of civil rights leader, public intellectual and professor, Julian Bond, focusing on the years 1960-68. The interviews feature former and current civil rights activists, journalists, family members and others who worked with Julian Bond, and include their own stories of coming into the Southern civil rights movement. For the full website on the Julian Bond Oral History Project, see: .


I began a separate project in August 2020 called "Hidden Civil Rights History." I have published four videos to date with a fifth going up sometime this week. The projects explores landmarks, places, and people in the D.C. area that are important civil rights legacies that do not get the attention they deserve. To date, it has attracted almost 1,500 views. Unlike the Bond/Southern civil rights movement project, this project receives no funding or support from AU. I do introduce each video by mentioning my AU affiliation.

The YouTube version of the Bond/Southern civil rights movement project. To date, views are somewhere around 5,000 and continue to grow. This channel is independent of the website itself.


Lecture, "Dear White Friends," DC Unity and Justice Fellowship, January 19th, 2021.

Lecture, "Black-Jewish Heritage in the Civil Rights Movement," Operation Understanding DC, February 23rd, 2020.


Essay, "The Campus 'Free Speech Crisis' is About Power, Not Speech," June 18th, 2018.

Essay, "Why Brown v. Board of Education Still Matters," American Constitution Society, April 3, 2018.

Essay, "And The Children Shall Lead Us - Birmingham 1963 and Parkland 2018," American Constitution Society, February 22nd, 2018.

Essay, "The Constitutional Vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.," American Constitution Society, January 14th, 2018.

Relevant Publications

“Same-Sex Marriage and Negative Externalities” (with Mark Yost). Social Science Quarterly, 90 (2), June 2009: 292-309. (cited by California Appeals Court in Prop. 8 decision)

“Still No Evidence of Negative Outcomes from Same-Sex Marriage,” (with Mark Yost), Econ Journal Watch 12 (2), May 2015: 161-163.

“The Anti-Social Effects of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage: Fact or Fiction.” (with Brandon Ranallo-Benavidez & Jane E. Palmer, former students and colleague). Sexuality Research and Social Policy (2020, pre-print; forthcoming, 2021).

Previous research on race:

“Why Do White Americans Support the Death Penalty?” (with Joe Soss and AlanMetelko), Journal of Politics 65 (2), May 2003: 397-421.

Journal Articles

LeBas, Adrienne. 2018. "Can Polarization Be Positive? Conflict and Institutional Development in Africa." American Behavioral Scientist 62: 59-74.

  • A more theoretical paper on whether political polarization can be constructive. Argues that where polarization is structured on ethnic or other "ascriptive" lines, more likely to be destructive (Am Behav Scientist 2018).
  • This article was also adopted as a core reading for the cross-university democratic erosion syllabus (taught on 40 campuses across the US):

LeBas, Adrienne. 2020. "Who Trusts? Ethnicity, Integration, and Attitudes toward Elected Officials in Urban Nigeria." Comparative Political Studies 53: 1738-66.

  • A paper on how integration (inter-ethnic marriage, diverse friendship networks, etc) affects individual trust in local officials (CPS 2020).

Gutiérrez-Romero, Roxana, and Adrienne LeBas. 2020. "Does Electoral Violence Affect Vote Choice and Willingness to Vote? Conjoint Analysis of a Vignette Experiment." Journal of Peace Research 57: 77-92.

  • A coauthored paper on how individuals use ethnicity to determine whether they should sanction / vote against politicians who are rumored to be violent. (JPR 2020)

Newspaper Article

A recent Monkey Cage post that reports on still-in-progress coauthored research on how COVID has affected group polarization and xenophobia:


Alan Levine, Thomas Merrill and James Stoner, eds., The Political Thought of the Civil War (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2018).


“Scientific Racism in Antebellum America” in Levine, Alan, Thomas Merrill, and James Stoner, eds., The Political Thought of the Civil War (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2018), 98-132.

“Chinua Achebe: The Nature of Social Change” in The Moral of the Story: Literature and Public Ethics, Hank Edmondson, ed. (Lanham, MD.: Lexington Books, 2000), 87-105.

Journal Article

“Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart as a Case Study in Nietzsche’s Transvaluation of Values” in Perspectives on Political Science (Summer 1999) 28:3, 136-142.

Research in Progress

"Diversity Matters: The Election of Asian Americans to U.S. State and Federal Legislatures"
Despite substantial research on the causes and consequences of descriptive representation for Blacks and Latinos in U.S. legislatures, we know very little about the electoral conditions under which Asian candidates win office. Leveraging a new and comprehensive dataset on Asian American legislators elected from 2011 through 2020, we analyze the impact of intergroup and intragroup diversity on which constituencies elect Asians. We show that, all else equal, Asians win in districts with less “own group” support than Blacks or Latinos. Contrary to competing theories suggesting that Asians win via cross-over appeal to whites, we find that highly diverse constituencies are significantly more likely to send Asians to state and federal legislatures. At the same time, heightened diversity by national origin within the Asian community does not undercut their chances. While surveys show that Asians are more likely to identify by national origin than as Asian, these findings indicate that pan-Asian identity is sufficiently strong that Asians prefer Asians of other national origins to non-Asians. More broadly, this paper points to ways that small, geographically dispersed groups may gain descriptive representation.

“Inclusion by Design”
Measuring minority inclusion across countries has been a critical challenge to scholars and to assessing the ability of institutional design models to promote inclusion and prevent ethnic conflict. This project proposes and estimates minority inclusion across a wide range of electoral democracies in order to gain greater purchase on levels of inclusion and how institutional design can enhance it.

“Can Social Science Evidence Be Trusted in Voting Rights Litigation? Ascertaining Whether a Minority Community Will Have an Equal Opportunity to Elect a Candidate of its Choice in a Given Legislative or Congressional District”
We address recent skepticism by Chief Justice Roberts about the usefulness of social science tools of analysis in litigation about redistricting. Limiting our discussion to race-related redistricting litigation, we demonstrate that social science methodology has been able to provide reliable information to courts about the success of minority candidates of choice in redrawn or existing districts. In redrawn districts, this predictive success has been found even in the districts where the implemented recommendation of the social science expert was a remedial district in which minorities were less than a majority of the voting age population in the district.


“Minority Rules: Electoral Systems, Decentralization, and Ethnoregional Parties” (Oxford University Press 2014). Best Book Award, Race, Ethnicity and Politics Section of the APSA, 2015.

“The Republican South: Democratization and Partisan Change” (Princeton University Press 2004).

“The Paradox of Representation: Racial Gerrymandering and Minority Interests in Congress” (Princeton University Press 1997).

Journal Articles

“Minority Success in Non-Majority Minority Districts: Finding the ‘Sweet Spot’” with Lisa Handley, Thomas Brunell, and Bernard Grofman, Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics, 5:2 (July 2020), 275-98.

“Five Lessons from the Mayor,” PS: Political Science and Politics 51:1 (January 2018), 169-72.

Book Chapters

“Elections and the Long Journey into the Redistricting Thicket” in Campaigns and Elections American Style, 5thed., eds., James A. Thurber and Candice J. Nelson (Westview Press 2018).

“Representation of Ethnic Minorities” with Shaun Bowler in Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems (Oxford University Press 2018).

Newspaper Article

“Eight white-majority districts elected black members of Congress this year. That’s a Breakthrough.” Monkey Cage (blog), Washington Post, November 19, 2018.

Conference Papers & Presentations

Keynote Address, “Representation by Design” Comparing Mechanisms for Substantive Representation of Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Peoples Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, December 5-7, 2018.

Our programs were founded back in the 1970s and were based on the very conceptual foundations of what diversity and inclusion is all about. We were already doing emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and unconscious bias in the Key classroom in the 70s and it is something that we have continue to this day. Our program is heavily focused on journaling, humble inquiry, mindfulness, meditation, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, vulnerability, social awareness, etc. All of our classes are integrated and feed upon one another so these concepts are built in to our DNA if you will from the orientation all the way through graduation for every program that we manage.

We do have a formal diversity advisory Council which is made up of diversity and inclusion experts from the federal government and the private sector. They oversee all of our curriculum for all of our programs and provide their expertise in helping us create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. They help to review our business processes and our survey tools as well. They also offer a diversity and inclusion segment for every faculty meeting and coaches meeting that we hold each year. In short, they're pretty amazing!

In terms of scholarship, the faculty that write/teach for the Key program are typically practitioner faculty with significant experience in leadership roles in the federal government. We often write articles that are related to self-awareness, bias, and the like. Most of our articles are published in professional journals, not academic peer reviewed journals.

Paul Manuel’s recent scholarship examines the ways in which a variety of players, including government institutions and the nonprofit sector, work to deliver social services to those populations disproportionately impacted by inequities and disparities in income and wealth. He is currently co-editing four volumes in the that examine the delivery of social welfare in comparative perspective. The series also seeks to understand how associational life might be strengthened through the provision of social services by both Christian and Muslim nonprofits, and features case studies from , , Africa, and Latin America.

Editor, Books

Faith-Based Organizations and Social Welfare Associational Life and Religion in Contemporary Eastern Europe
Editors: Glatzer, Miguel, Manuel, Paul Christopher (Eds.)

Faith-Based Organizations and Social Welfare Associational Life and Religion in Contemporary Western Europe
Editors: Manuel, Paul Christopher, Glatzer, Miguel (Eds.)

  1. Campus responses to rising hate and polarization. With support from a major foundation, the Polarization and Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL) is engaged in a 15-month research project to design tools for the higher education sector that provide empirically-tested, pedagogical, policy, and victim-centered responses to rising hate and polarization. Rising extremism directly challenges universities’ ongoing efforts to improve racial equity. Students of color are significantly less likely to describe their campus as inclusive and more likely to indicate that they often feel isolated on campus. A wide variety of negative mental health and academic outcomes have been documented for students of color as a result of the experience of racism, micro-aggressions, hyper surveillance, and marginality, in ways that significantly impact long-term patterns of racial inequality in life outcomes. Rising domestic violent extremism and campus polarization will almost certainly make these dynamics worse. College and universities’ efforts to address rising hate are plagued by an overall lack of awareness about extremist ideas and the ever-evolving ecosystem of online and offline spaces and places that target college-age youth for recruitment and radicalization to anti-democratic, white supremacist, male supremacist and other extremist ideas. Fostering inclusive racial climates on campus requires addressing both positive needs like improving overall measures of belonging and a sense of support and inclusion as well as efforts to better equip campus leadership, faculty, staff, and students with skills to recognize and respond to extremism. Both efforts are required in order to improve campus climates in ways that will affect racial equity outcomes, including academic performance and retention, and psychological well-being. In the wake of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and increases in extremist propaganda and disinformation, along with ongoing racial injustice protests nation-wide, university campuses will return to in-person learning at a moment of heightened polarization and risk for student and staff radicalization. Campus leadership, faculty, residential life staff, diversity, equity and inclusion staff, and others need tools and guidance to better recognize and respond to extremist radicalization and mobilization. Building on the success of our toolkit project for younger youth and educators, the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL) at American University launched a research project on June 1, 2021 to design a series of empirically-tested tools and guides for the higher education sector, with specific resources and guidance for pedagogical, policy, and victim-centered responses to rising hate and polarization.
  2. Building community resilience to extremism and responses to hate. Together with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), PERIL is creating a series of evidence-based tools to equip local communities with tools to recognize and respond to rising hate and extremism in ways that are community oriented, victim and survivor centered, and oriented toward non-carceral solutions. The project launched with a parents and caregivers guide to online radicalization, intended to equip parents with information to recognize warning signs of extremism, respond effectively to victims of hate, and know how to intervene at early stages with children and youth who have been exposed to extremist ideas and propaganda. In Spring 2021, PERIL released a new set of tools for educators and teachers, mental health counselors and adolescent therapists, and coaches and youth leaders to better equip broader communities with tools to recognize and respond to rising hate and extremism. In the coming years, the project will build out empirically-tested e-learning modules, in-person trainings, and peer-to-peer resources, as well as regionally-specific guidance, among other components.
  3. City employee training on bias and signs of extremism. PERIL is developing a pilot training for city employees and community organizations in order to equip local communities to recognize and respond to hate and extremism at its earliest stages, before radicalization develops toward violent outcomes. The pilot training focuses on equipping participants with the knowledge to identify warning signs and red flags and feel more empowered to intervene with a person who has been exposed to extremist propaganda, conspiracy theories, or disinformation. The goal is to develop empirically tested, scalable and victim-centered strategies to interrupt extremism and hate at their roots and create an alternative local path to the securitized, militarized future that typifies the current federal response to rising extremism. By focusing on education and preventative training as a locally-grounded response to rising national and global extremism and bias, this pilot anti-extremism training produced evidence in Summer 2021 to drive a scale-up for all city employees.


  1. About defining racial and ethnic contexts:
  2. Examines racial and ethnic patterns in flu vaccine receipt at polling places:
  3. Describes racial and ethnic patterns in casting ballots for winning and losing ballot propositions:
  4. Describes a method for estimating racial bloc voting:
  5. About a social program targeted to the uninsured:

Work in Progress

Title: How Mediated Contact Changes Prejudice and Politics: Evidence from a Married at First Sight Experiment
Authors: Laura Paler and Kyle Gray

My current project with Kyle Gray addresses white racial prejudice towards black Americans.

We are still in the design stages but hope to file a pre-analysis plan in May and proceed with data collection then. I’ve been presenting the research design around.


  • Sexual orientation and gender identity: in addition to teaching Changemakers: LGBTQ Equality, I have been working on a resource for schools to welcome and accommodate transgender students. This is work in progress. I also published:
  • On racial equity and education: ;
  • On disability and class equity and education:
  • On teaching privilege:
  • On disability


  • On free speech and diversity and inclusion:
  • On diversity and equity in the classroom


Singerman, D. 2021. “Youth, Economics, and the Politics of Waithood: The Struggle for Dignity in the Middle East and North Africa.” In Marcia Inhorn, Nancy Smith-Hefner (Eds.), Waithood: Gender, Education, and Global Delays in Marriage and Childbearing, pp. 31-59. NY: Berghahn Books.


“Planning [in] Justice: Spatial Analysis for Urban Cairo العدالة في التخطيط.” 2021. Washington, DC: Tadamun: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative and Tadween Publishing. [This is a bi-lingual publication that presents the monograph in both English and Arabic, 154 pp.].


Singerman, D., Higgins, D. M. (November 18, 2019). "Gender, Precarity, and Inequality in Cairo’s Neighbourhoods" in URBANET: News and Debates about Municipal and Local Governance; Sustainable Urban Development and Decentralization GIZ’s [German Corporation for International Cooperation] Sector Project “Urbanisation, Municipal and Urban Development” on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).,

"Decentralization and Women's Representation in Tunisia: The First Female Mayor of Tunis", . (June 24, 2019). Research and blogs posted by TADAMUN: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative, Diane Singerman, Co-Director. Danielle Higgins, Phd Candidate in the Government Department, SPA, contributed to this research, but all TADAMUN research is authored in a collaborative fashion, without individual authors. Also published in Arabic.

"Women and Precarious Employment: A spatial analysis of economic insecurity in Cairo’s neighborhoods" Tadamun: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative, . (January 10, 2019). Research and blogs posted by TADAMUN: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative, (Diane Singerman, Co-Director). Danielle Higgins, Phd Candidate in Govt., contributed to this research, but all TADAMUN research is authored in a collaborative fashion, without individual authors. Also published in Arabic.

“الحق في مستوى معيشي لائق [The Right to an Adequate Standard of Living].” Tadamun: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative. . (December 31, 2019). Research posted by TADAMUN: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative, (Diane Singerman, Co-Director). (Also published in English)

"الحق في السكن [The Right to Housing]." Tadamun: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative. (December 27, 2019). (Also published in English)

"الحق في الفضاء العام [The Right to Public Space]." Tadamun: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative. (December 27, 2019). (Also published in English).


Meri Long, Ryan Dawe, and Elizabeth Suhay. Accepted. Gender Attitudes and Candidate Preferences in the 2016 US Presidential Primary and General Election. Politics & Gender.

Elizabeth Suhay, Marko Klasnja, and Gonzalo Rivero. 2021. Ideology of Affluence: Explanations for Inequality and Economic Policy Preferences among Rich Americans. The Journal of Politics 83(1): 367–380.
Winner 2018 APSA Class & Inequality “best paper” award

Elizabeth Suhay and Jeremiah Garretson. 2018. Science, Sexuality, and Civil Rights: Does Information on the Causes of Sexual Orientation Change Attitudes? The Journal of Politics 80(2): 692–696.

Alexandre Morin-Chasse, Elizabeth Suhay, and Toby Jayaratne. 2017. Discord over DNA: Politically Contingent Responses to Scientific Research on Genes and Race. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 2(2): 260–299.

Elizabeth Suhay. 2017. Genetic Essentialism. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Fathali M. Moghaddam, ed. Sage Publications: 323–325.

Jeremiah Garretson and Elizabeth Suhay. 2016. Scientific Communication about Biological Influences on Homosexuality and the Politics of Gay Rights. Political Research Quarterly 69(1): 17–29.

Elizabeth Suhay, Brian Calfano, and Ryan Dawe. 2016. Social Norms, Dual Identities, and National Attachment: How the Perceived Patriotism of Group Members Influences Muslim Americans. Politics, Groups, & Identities 4(1): 63–83.

Elizabeth Suhay and Toby Jayaratne. 2013. Does Biology Justify Ideology? The Politics of Genetic Attribution. Public Opinion Quarterly 77(2): 497–521.

Ted Brader, Nicholas Valentino, and Elizabeth Suhay. 2008. What Triggers Public Opposition to Immigration? Anxiety, Group Cues, and Immigration Threat. American Journal of Political Science 52(4): 959–978.

Reprinted in Howard Lavine, ed. 2010. Political Psychology, Volume II: Public Opinion and Mass Political Behavior. Sage.

Conference Presentations (last 5 years)

How Americans Explain Inequality, and Why It Matters
International Society of Political Psychology, July 14–16, 2020
Cooperative Congressional Election Study conference, Sundance, UT, May 18–20, 2017

How Americans on the Left and Right Explain Inequality
American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, Aug 30–Sept 2, 2018
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Apr 4–7, 2019

Ideology of Affluence: Explanations for Inequality and Political Attitudes among Rich Americans (w/ Marko Klasnja, Gonzalo Rivero)
American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, Aug 31–Sept 3, 2017
National Capital Area Political Science Association workshop, Georgetown, June 2, 2017
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Apr 6–9, 2017

What to Do about Inequality? It Depends on Who (or What) Is to Blame American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, Aug 31–Sept 3, 2017
Midwest Political Science
Association, Chicago, IL, Apr 6–9, 2017

Science, Sexuality, and Civil Rights: Does Research on the Causes of Homosexuality Have a Political Impact? (w/ Jeremiah Garretson)
8th Annual NYU-CESS Experimental Political Science Conference, Mar 6, 2015


Russell Sage Foundation grant for “The Politics of Genetic Explanations for Social Inequality” ($40,800). 2016.

Time-Sharing Experiments for Social Sciences (TESS) award, with Jeremiah Garretson. 2013.

  • Grant focused on Americans’ beliefs and attitudes about gay rights.

Time-Sharing Experiments for Social Sciences (TESS) award, with Ted Brader & Nicholas Valentino. 2003.

  • Grant focused on Americans’ attitudes toward immigrants.


Exiles, Entrepreneurs, and Educators African Americans in Ghana

Journal Article

Racial Polarization in the 2008 U. S. Presidential Election